Thursday 8 May 2014

Out Of Body Sofa Surfer

Tuesday 22nd April 2014
Time: 1.45pm
Where: On the sofa!
Weather: Cloudy
Techniques used: Indirect techniques from The Phase by Michael Raduga (i.e using projection methods on waking and cycling through a combination routine of approx 4 methods until you find one that works). Indirect techniques used: 'phantom wiggling' (progressively moving parts of your energy body, i.e fingers and toes etc.) and watching mental images.
Goal: To try and project somewhere other than my bed for the first time :)

I had gone for a little snooze on the sofa in my living room with the intention of trying to project with indirect techniques on awakening (the trick is to try not to move when you wake up - or at least if you do move trying to retain the state of being half asleep half awake).

I had 'come to' a couple of times and tried the techniques before falling asleep again (apparently this is how its supposed to go - if it doesn't work within a few minutes give up, go back to sleep and try again....) Dammit! I realised I needed the loo but pushed it out of my mind to keep trying.... I just had the feeling I was getting somewhere....... I 'came to' again and began sleepily watching some vague images that I could see behind my eyelids and I tried wiggling my energy hand on my right hand side. All of a sudden I heard a rushing sound in my head and I started vibrating. I remembered that I should try and move myself without moving my physical muscles (moving the energy body - its a weird sensation, but I guess I can best describe it as strongly imagining yourself moving and 'feeling' the sensations). I tried to intensify the buzzing/vibrating by concentrating on it.

Awkwardly, I moved my legs (they felt so heavy I thought I might be moving my physical legs - which would have been a bummer....). I kept my eyes shut and swung my legs off the side of the sofa. I felt heavy and wondered if I had sat up physically. I sat and thought for a second or two and realised that no, I was out of my body - everything felt subtly different. I started walking towards the window in the living room at the front of the house. I still hadn't opened my eyes and was walking sluggishly - it felt like I was moving through goo....

Movement got a bit easier as I got a bit further from my body.... some vision started to come and I could see bright light and fuzzy, but vibrant colours; white, yellow and pink.... maybe green.... I thought i heard my Mum talking in the kitchen although I knew she wasn't there physically. I said 'clarity now' to try and increase my vision - as I said it I wondered if it had made my physical lips move (seriously.... Why do I do that???). Instantly I was back in my body lying on the sofa. I remembered reading that after a re-entry to the body you should always try and immediately project again..... Then my Jack Russell jumped onto my lap and I was fully back and awake (thanks Gypsy!).

Notes: I was on cloud 9 after this experience! It was the first time I had a fully conscious projection in the daytime - and somewhere other than my bed :)
On a side note, I texted my Mum straight away to see where she had been or what she had been talking about when I thought I heard her in my kitchen - I thought it might give me some kind of verification, or maybe nothing at all. Either way I was interested. It turns out that during my nap she and my Dad had driven past my house and during my out of body experience had been sat having lunch in a pub just down the road from where I live. Perhaps my astral hearing is way way better than my physical, or perhaps I was aware on that level that my Mum was close by.... Or maybe it was a complete coincidence.......

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